As you may know, one of my boardgame-adjacent hobbies is painting minis. I had taken a short break to catch up on some freelance writing work, but now that my schedule is a little more flexible (and now that I have new brushes and a wet palette–thanks, Em!), I’m getting back to it. I figure now is as good a time as any to show you what I’ve been working on!

First up, here are a few of the Mansions of Madness figures I painted just before the holidays. I tried to give the Deep Ones some variety in skin and eye color (though I think I just have yellow eyes showing in this pic), change up the sweater colors on the hybrids (giving one a Freddy Krueger sweater), and give the cultists their own robe colors. I need to do touch ups on all of these, especially the cultists. But It worked well enough.

Next, I’ve been painting figures for Imperial Assault. I wish I had better lighting, because I’m really proud of the Gammoreans. The Rancor turned out well, too, which surprised me because it’s the biggest model I’ve painted. I wasn’t sure my wash would work, but it really did. Talent-in-a-bottle, seriously. (For the record, I used Citadel’s Agrax Earthshade.)

Here are some more Imperial Assault figures. I painted my elite jet troopers with some orange to set them apart from the standard jet troopers. I may go back and add some color to my other stormtroopers after this…it looks cool and kind of makes them look like holdovers from the Clone Wars.
I’m also painting some of these figures to be used in Rogue Stars. These two double as members of my smuggling outfit shipping company, Pacific Logistics. I even made a removable hat for Alice “Ox” Baker, just to make it more obvious what I was doing.

You can’t steal the air from them. Or something.

And finally, here’s my Grand Inquisitor. I still am going to add some blue to his hand, some red piping on his outfit, and maybe some OSL from his lightsaber, if I can muster the courage. I just started watching Rebels, so I was excited to paint this guy.
I’m sure I’ve painted a few more in the last month, and I have everything from Tyrants of Lothal to paint, but I’m almost done painting Imperial Assault. Now, if I can only get it on the game table!