Last week, we took a look at Board Game Geek’s list of the games slated for release in November-December 2020. This week, we return to the list and highlight the games that have our attention.
Aliens Another Glorious Day in the Corps – A lot of games have tried to copy the Aliens franchise of movies, but this game has the license, and it’s by Gale Force Nine. I never played their Firefly minis game, but I love the Firefly Board Game. This game has everything: We’ve got minis, variable player powers, and hordes of aliens! We’ve got nukes, knives, sharp sticks…
There are also a couple of expansions coming out alongside the base game.

Rocketmen – I love the theme of historically realistic space travel (as in, building a space program to leave Earth, rather than deep space exploration). Also, Martin Wallace is a highly-respected game designer (though the only game I’ve ever owned of his, Toledo, was…not good.) I’ll want to play this one before I buy it, but it looks promising. (I think it’s actually coming in 2021 via Kickstarter, but it’s on BGG’s list, so I’m talking about it.)
Unlock! The Star Wars Escape Game – A few things: 1) I think this one is already in stores. 2)I’ve only played one Escape Room game. 3)Star Wars Unlock! is not rated very highly. All that said, as someone who is not a fan of Escape Room games, I’d totally give this one a try. But I’m a Star Wars fan, and tend to find some enjoyment out of anything Star Wars related, even if it’s objectively not very good.

Flourish – I’m not a huge fan of the garden-building theme of Flourish, but hey, I enjoy Cottage Garden. Theme isn’t everything. Also, this game was designed by Everdell‘s James A. Wison and his wife, Clarissa A Wilson. Everdell was a winner here at the Overlords’ household, so I’m more-than-willing to give this one a try.
Sidereal Confluence Remastered Edition – This is a reprint/remaster of Sidereal Confluence, a game that Em and I both through looked great. However, it’s a 4-9 player game, so it would never actually hit the table if we got it. I’m hoping some of our friends pick this one up.
And that’s our run-through of the rest of 2020! Is there anything we missed? Drop us a note in the comments, or find us anywhere on the interwebs.