On The Table: August 3-9, 2020

Last week was our first full week of running this site! Here’s what we played in the last seven days:

Splendor – We love how simple this game seems, yet how strategic it can be. Plus, it doesn’t take long to set up and play! Em won, of course.

Gloomhaven: Jaws of the Lion – See our review HERE. We had much better luck in this scenario than the last few tries!

The Captain is Dead – Another cooperative game, and so colorful! We…didn’t do so well.


Gizmos – I used to be good at this game, but I don’t think I’ve beaten Em at it in over a year, and we play it a lot.

Animal Kingdoms – Another game we play a lot, and another game that Em wins more often than not. Em talks about the game a little bit HERE.

Valley of the Kings – Fun little deck-builder. Well, I say little, but we have the Premium Edition with the tarot-sized cards. This is one of the few games in which I usually beat Em, and I actually did beat her this time! so that’s one game in two weeks of gaming where I’ve won.

What did you play last week? Comment below and let us know!

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