Here’s what we’ve been playing at Our Meeple Overlords’ table all last week:
Splendor – There once was a time when I was tired of playing Splendor, but I think I’ve come back around. Of course, I lost, but as you will see, my luck was about to change with…
Diamonds – We hadn’t played Diamonds in years, so we decided to bust it out and get a few games in. Out of four games, I won…all four?!? Can that be right?
Everdell – We finally got this gorgeous game to the table. How did we like it? Watch for a review later this week! I won two out of three games we played, though one of those games was decided by a tie-breaker.
History of the World – I’m playing this with some friends on GamesByEmail. You know, because of social distancing. I’m not doing so great. That’s fine. It’s a learning game!
Blood Bowl II – The digital version of the classic Blood Bowl tabletop game. I won one game and saved my second game this week at half-time with a score of 0-0. See our review of Blood Bowl II!
And that’s what we’ve been playing! What’s on your table? Drop us a comment and let us know!