I hope everyone got some gaming in this week! Now that the OMO Command Center has been repainted and everything has been put back, we’re back to playing regularly! Here’s what we played last week, in no particular order:

We’ll probably be reviewing this one later this week. In the meantime, Funfair is a tableau-building game where you are designing a theme part. It’s kind of like Race for the Galaxy, but much easier to learn. I hade a sort of pirate/fairytale/robot theme going on, and I have no idea what that looks like in real life, but it sounds RAD. Em won by about 20 points, which was actually not as bad as I thought it was going to be for me.
Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Return to the Circle Undone
We started out strong in this campaign, but by the third or fourth scenario, we were feeling pretty overwhelmed. In fact, in our last game, Em, playing Sister Mary, was stuck in the first location dealing with enemy after enemy while I, playing as Rex Murphy, searched the Unvisited Isle, putting out braziers and searching for clues. Of course, if you’ve never played Arkham, you have no idea what any of that means. We survived the scenario, interrupting the ritual and allowing Kezaih Mason to possess Annette, the witch coven leader. OH NO! We played this almost every day this week, so we don’t have too many other games to report on.
We played some more Bunny Kingdom because of course we did. This is one of those games that Em actually feels like she is good at getting a winning strategy (as opposed the the ones where she is good and doesn’t realize it). Throughout the game, it looked like I might be able to keep a lead, but in the end, she jumped ahead nd beat me 134-119.

That’s all we played, but I’ve also been building Death Korps and Ork Kommandos for Kill Team. See my review of the game HERE. I’ve almost got all of my Orks built, and my Death Korps are waiting to be painted. You can actually watch me paint every Tuesday from 10:30PM-11:30PM Eastern on Twitch. Come keep me company while I ramble on about paint, games, and whatever else I happen to be thinking about.