Hello folks, and welcome to the 2nd installment of Kick-it!! Last week, we talked about what we’ve ordered from Kickstarter that we’re waiting for, so this week, I thought we’d discuss some projects that we’re excited about but haven’t backed (yet)!
Hoop Godz – Hood Godz is the follow-up to Omari Akil’s Rap Godz and is a 2-player-board-game take on street basketball. I’m not a basketball fan, but EM and I do love 2-player games, and I seriously love the art style and graphic design of this game. Plus, each character has a special ability, and I’m a sucker for that sort of asymmetrical character thing. This campaign ends of November 20, so if you’re going to get this one, you’d better do it fast!
Creature Comforts – I know, I know…it’s a family game. We’re SERIOUS GAMERS here! But you know what? I would buy this game based on the adorable artwork alone. And even though it’s a family game, it looks like a fun family game, with a lot of variation and replayability. And that theme: getting your home ready to endure the winter? I’m feeling that. The company that is putting this one out (Kids Table Board Gaming) is a division of Burnt Island Games, who brought us the reprint of Endeavor, so they’ve got a decent track record.
Dark Venture: Battle of the Ancients – A skirmish game of dark, acid fantasy? Sign me up! I love that 1970s, OSR-by-way-of-psilocybin aesthetic, I love skirmish games, and I love games that tell a story. Battle of the Ancients does all three. It looks amazing, and if I can only sell Em on the idea of skirmish games, I’m getting this!
The Warp – Another genre that Em isn’t entirely keen on is 4X. I love the genre, though I haven’t played many board game implementations of it. The Warp is a cool-looking sci-fi 4X with a solo mode, and of this writing, it is just shy of funding. Look at it, though…16 alien races, variable mission objectives, really cool components…I hope this one gets funded.
And that’s all we’re looking at this week. Is there anything exciting on Kickstarter that we haven’t noticed? Let us know in the comments, or tell us on the social media of your choice!