Hello everyone! How’s it going?
Jay here with a few site/life updates.
First of all, I just got a new full-time job, and I was preparing for it all this week, hence the lack of posts. As I get used to my new schedule, I’ll return to a more steady posting schedule.
Secondly, I have a guest Meeple talking about a game next week, so look forward to a new voice here, AND I’ll also be reviewing the first board game we’ve ever been sent by a publisher! I know that’s not THAT big of a deal, but it really feels like a milestone for Our Meeple Overlords. So we’ll have two reviews and the next chapter of my playthrough of Thousand Year Old Vampire.
Thirdly, I am looking into setting up an old, spare computer for streaming on our Twitch channel. I will probably do a test stream in the next couple of days, so keep an eye out.
Finally, as you have guessed by the title and post image, we’re on Favorite Game Friday again at the Dice Tower’s YouTube page, where we talk about our favorite setting and theme. Here’s the video:
And that’s it for the updates! Have a great weekend, and play some games!